Account Health

What is Account Health?

Account Health Report is a comprehensive overview of a seller’s performance on the Amazon marketplace. It provides detailed metrics and data points related to customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and policy compliance, as well as received negative feedback, feedback rating and amount of stranded listings. The report aims to help sellers identify areas of improvement and ensure their accounts meet Amazon’s performance standards.

Key Features and Metrics:

Negative feedback(s): Shows the number of negative feedback received today

Feedback rating: Shows your feedback rating as a percentage for 30 days

Stranded listings: Number of stranded listings that require your attention

Order Defect Rate (ODR): The ODR is a critical metric that measures the percentage of orders with defects, including negative feedback, A-to-z Guarantee claims, and chargebacks. Keeping the ODR below 1% is crucial for maintaining a healthy account.

Late Shipment Rate (LSR): This metric indicates the percentage of orders that were not shipped on time. Amazon expects sellers to maintain a low LSR to ensure a positive customer experience.

Pre-fulfillment Cancel Rate (CR): The Cancellation Rate (CR) measures the percentage of seller-cancelled orders out of the total orders within a 30-day timeframe, for seller-fulfilled orders. This metric encompasses all cancellations initiated by the seller, excluding customer-requested cancellations through their Amazon account’s options. Direct cancellations by customers on Amazon are not factored into this rate.

Valid Tracking Rate (VTR): The VTR measures the percentage of orders with valid tracking numbers. It ensures that customers can track their packages accurately, leading to improved buyer satisfaction.

On-time delivery rate (OTDR): The OTDR represents the percentage of seller-fulfilled orders delivered by their estimated delivery date out of the total tracked shipments.

Response time metrics: This metric represents the average time taken by sellers to respond to customer inquiries. Maintaining a prompt response time is vital for good customer service.

Policy Compliance: The Account Health Report also provides information on policy violations or account suspensions. Sellers should review these violations and take necessary actions to avoid future penalties.

How does it work?

Seller Toolset Account Health collects all performance information in one place for convenience. Login to your Seller Toolset account, go to Account Health, and easily track all important metrics daily.